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This tutorial will give you the basic steps of creating a custom world generator using Bukkit. Following this tutorial, you will be making a simple, infinite world of plains and oceans, with some features added.


  • Before reading this tutorial, you are required to know the basics of the Java programming language, and the basics of creating a proper Bukkit plugin. If you have not yet, click here.
  • This tutorial uses Eclipse as the IDE and Bukkit 1.12+. Other IDEs and Bukkit versions may have some differences.

Set up the project

  • Create a Maven project in Eclipse, add the Bukkit dependency to the pom.xml and manage it:

Bukkit dependency

  • Create plugin.yml in src/main/resources folder, type in your plugin's information. Finally add
    load: startup
    to the file.
  • Create the main class in your project's main package. Remember the path to that class must be the same as the main key in your plugin.yml. Override onEnable() and onDisable() in the class with your code. The main class should be similar to this:
package {$TopLevelDomain}.{$Domain}.{$PluginName};

import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;

public final class {$PluginName} extends JavaPlugin {
    public void onEnable() {
        // TODO Insert logic to be performed when the plugin is enabled
    public void onDisable() {
        // TODO Insert logic to be performed when the plugin is disabled

Create a custom chunk generator

A Minecraft's world is divided into small chunks. Each chunk is 16×256×16 blocks and is created by a ChunkGenerator. After that the world meets some BlockPopulator 's to be filled in with the details.

  • First, create a new class in the main package extending the ChunkGenerator class. We will call this CustomChunkGenerator.
  • Create a method
    public ChunkData generateChunkData(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, BiomeGrid biome)
    with the @Override annotation. Now it should look like this:
public class CustomChunkGenerator extends ChunkGenerator {
    public ChunkData generateChunkData(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, BiomeGrid biome) {
        // TODO Chunk generation code here.

This method will be called anytime a new chunk is being created to get the chunk's details.

  • Add a ChunkData variable to the method and assign it with createChunkData(world):
ChunkData chunk = createChunkData(world);

We will fill the chunk's blocks into this variable and return it to the method.

Adding a height generator

Each biome in Minecraft has different heights, and in that biome the heights vary too. For example the Plains has a flat, low terrain, but the Extreme Hills biome has super high, steep, rocky cliffs. The height of each location is determined by an octave generator. It will make a randomized, but smooth terrain and you can use it for creating different kinds of biomes.

  • Create a SimplexOctaveGenerator in the CustomChunkGenerator class:
public static SimplexOctaveGenerator generator = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(new Random(), 8);

The second argument is the number of octaves. Remember not to place the octave generator anywehere else.

  • Set the scale of generator to 0.005D.

You can change the scale if you want. The larger the scale is, the steeper the terrain.

Generate the chunk's heights and blocks

Each chunk's X×Z dimension is always 16×16. We will use the SimplexOctaveGenerator above to determine the height of each (X, Z) coordinate, and then generate blocks vertically onto that coordinate.

  • Create a for loop for integer Z inside the a for loop for interger X. They will run from (0, 0) to (15, 15) which indicates the current (X,Z) coordinate we are working with:
for (int X = 0; X < 16; X++)
    for (int Z = 0; Z < 16; Z++) {
        // TODO Heights and blocks generation code here.
  • Make an integer currentHeight inside the class. As the name explains, this variable stores the current height acquired from the SimplexOctaveGenerator each time we work with an (X,Z) coordinate of the chunk.
  • In the for loop, assign the octave generator's noise of the current (X,Z) coordinate of the world to currentHeight after multiplying the result by 15, adding it with 50 and casting it to integer.

The current (X,Z) coordinate of the world can be retrieved by multiplying the chunkX, chunkZprovided and adding each of them with the current chunks's X, Z:

currentHeight = (int) (generator.noise(chunkX*16+X, chunkZ*16+Z, 0.5D, 0.5D)*15D+50D);

Why 15 and 50? 15 - the multiplier is the amount of difference between the highest and lowest possible heights of the world, and 50 is the minimum height of the whole world. You can change these if you want.

  • After retrieving the height, we are going to set the blocks for the current (X,Z) coordinate.
  • Set the highest block of the "pillar" to grass block:
chunk.setBlock(X, currentHeight, Z, Material.GRASS);
  • Set the lower block to dirt:
chunk.setBlock(X, currentHeight-1, Z, Material.DIRT);
  • From the third block to the almost bottom block of the "pillar", place blocks of stone:
for (int i = currentHeight-2; i > 0; i--)
    chunk.setBlock(X, i, Z, Material.STONE);
  • Finally, set the very bottom block to bedrock:
chunk.setBlock(X, 0, Z, Material.BEDROCK);
  • At the last line of the method, return the chunk:
return chunk;

Now the CustomChunkGenerator should look like this:

public class CustomChunkGenerator extends ChunkGenerator {
    int currentHeight = 50;
    SimplexOctaveGenerator generator = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(new Random(), 8);

    public ChunkData generateChunkData(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, BiomeGrid biome) {
        ChunkData chunk = createChunkData(world);

        for (int X = 0; X < 16; X++)
            for (int Z = 0; Z < 16; Z++) {
                currentHeight = (int) (generator.noise(chunkX*16+X, chunkZ*16+Z, 0.5D, 0.5D)*15D+50D);
                chunk.setBlock(X, currentHeight, Z, Material.GRASS);
                chunk.setBlock(X, currentHeight-1, Z, Material.DIRT);
                for (int i = currentHeight-2; i > 0; i--)
                    chunk.setBlock(X, i, Z, Material.STONE);
                chunk.setBlock(X, 0, Z, Material.BEDROCK);
        return chunk;

Test the generator

  • Add these lines to your main class:
public ChunkGenerator getDefaultWorldGenerator(String worldName, String id) {
    return new CustomChunkGenerator();

This will make our chunk generator in action when new chunks is needed.

  • Build the plugin by Maven Build → package goal. It should have built the .jar sucessfully.
  • Prepare a Bukkit server. Put the compiled plugin into the plugins folder. Delete the main world save folder. Add these lines to bukkit.yml:
    generator: plugin
# Replace "world" with the name of the server's main world name.
# Replace "plugin" with your plugin's name.
  • Start the server. Login

(To be continued...)
