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The following are all the server commands either a server administrator or admin in-game can enter with CraftBukkit out-of-the-box. In addition to the original vanilla SMP commands there are 4 additional commands which are specific to CraftBukkit. CraftBukkit provides built-in permissions which can be used in a permissions manager. Defaults are also observed for the permissions. In places where the Bukkit command overrides the Vanilla command you can select which one to use via adding a minecraft: or bukkit: prefix to the command.

Bukkit Commands and Permissions

Command Description Usage Permission Permission Default
version Gives the version number of CraftBukkit which is installed on the server. version bukkit.command.version Everybody
plugins Lists all installed plugins on the server. plugins bukkit.command.plugins Everybody
help/? [plugin] Shows a list of server or plugin commands in the console or in-game. help bukkit.command.help Everybody
reload Stops and restarts all plugins on the server. reload bukkit.command.reload Operators
timings Records timings for all plugin events. timings <reset|merged|separate> bukkit.command.timings Operators

Default Minecraft Commands and Permissions

Command Description Usage Permission Permission Default
advancement <grant|revoke|test> <player> Gives the specified player an advancement or changes a statistic value. Use 'advancement grant <player> everything' to give all advancements. advancement give * player1 minecraft.command.advancement Operators
ban <player> Bans a player from the server. ban player1 minecraft.command.ban Operators
ban-ip <ip> Bans an IP address from the server. ban-ip minecraft.command.ban-ip Operators
banlist Shows the banned players. banlist minecraft.command.banlist Operators
clear [user] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag] Clears the player's inventory of the item and data. If no item is specified it clears the whole inventory. If maxCount is set to 0 it does not clear anything, but still outputs to command blocks. clear player1 dye 15 0 {display:{Name:Fertilizer}} minecraft.command.clear Operators
debug On success, starts or stops the debug session. While active, includes notifications about potential performance bottlenecks in the console. When stopped, creates a profiler results file in the folder "debug". debug minecraft.command.debug Operators
defaultgamemode <mode> Change the gamemode of new players joining the server. defaultgamemode 1 minecraft.command.defaultgamemode Operators
deop <player> Removes server operator status from a player. deop player1 minecraft.command.deop Operators
difficulty <level> Changes the difficulty of the server. difficulty 0 minecraft.command.difficulty Operators
effect <player> <effect id> [seconds] [amplifier] Adds the specified effect to a player for the duration of 30 seconds or as specified by the user. effect player1 9 minecraft.command.effect Operators
enchant <user> <enchantment ID> <level> [force] Enchants the item in the user's hand. If force is false, the enchantment only applies if it can go on the item and does not conflict with any existing enchantments. enchant player1 1 1 1 minecraft.command.enchant Operators
gamemode <mode> [player] Change the game mode of a player. 0 = Survival mode, 1 = Creative mode, 2 = Adventure mode. gamemode 1 player1 minecraft.command.gamemode Operators
gamerule [rule] [new value] Changes the rules of the server. Type /gamerule to see a list of all game rules. gamerule keepInventory true
gamerule doFireTick false
minecraft.command.gamerule Operators
give <player> <name> [amount] [damage] [data tag] Gives player blocks/items with the item name name. amount is is how many of the block/item to give (Default: 1). damage is the damage value of the block/item (Default: 0). data tag is the NBT tag to add.Data Values Item structure give player1 iron_sword
give player1 dirt 32
give player1 dye 7 15
give player1 diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"Herobrine's Sword"}}
minecraft.command.give Operators
help/? [command] Shows a list of server commands in the console or in-game. help minecraft.command.help Everybody
kick <player> [reason] Removes a player from the server. kick player1 minecraft.command.kick Operators
kill Commits suicide. kill minecraft.command.kill Operators
list Lists all currently connected players. list minecraft.command.list Operators
me <message> Says a message from the player's point of view: * player1 is building a castle! me is building a castle! minecraft.command.me Everybody
op <player> Turns a player into a server operator. op player1 minecraft.command.op Operators
pardon <player> Pardons a banned player so that they can connect again. pardon player1 minecraft.command.pardon Operators
pardon-ip <ip> Pardons a banned IP address so that it can be used to connect again. pardon-ip minecraft.command.pardon-ip Operators
playsound <sound> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] Plays the sound sound to player, coming from the specified location, at the specified volume, pitch, and minimum volume (to combat volume reduction as a result of distance). playsound mob.pig.say player1 minecraft.command.playsound Operators
save-all Forces a server-wide level save of the terrain. save-all minecraft.command.save-all Operators
save-off Disables automatic terrain saving (useful for backup scripts). save-off minecraft.command.save-off Operators
save-on Re-enables automatic terrain saving. save-on minecraft.command.save-on Operators
say <message> Broadcasts a message to all players as the server. say Hello minecraft world! minecraft.command.say Operators
scoreboard <objectives/players/teams> <...> Complex command which edits and manipulates the scoreboard, a data storage structure. Scoreboard command scoreboard players set player1 points 3
scoreboard teams option redteam color red
scoreboard objectives setdisplay belowName health
minecraft.command.scoreboard Operators
seed Outputs the world seed. seed minecraft.command.seed Operators
setblock <x> <y> <z> <name> [data] [handling] [dataTag] Sets a block to be another block. Block entity format Data values setblock ~ ~-1 ~ wool 3 destroy
setblock ~ ~ ~ chest 0 replace {CustomName:"Locked Chest",Lock:Key}
minecraft.command.setblock Operators
fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <name> [data] [handling] [dataTag] Fills a area of blocks. [[mcw:Chunk_format#Block_entity_format|Block entity format\] Data values fill 10 ~-1 -10 -10 ~-1 10 stone
fill ~ ~-1 ~ ~10 ~-1 ~10 dirt 0 replace grass
minecraft.command.fill Operators
setidletimeout <Minutes until kick> Sets the server's idle timeout setidletimeout 10 minecraft.command.setidletimeout Operators
setworldspawn [x] [y] [z] Sets a worlds's spawn point. If no coordinates are specified, the player's coordinates will be used. setworldspawn 0 0 0 minecraft.command.setworldspawn Operators
spawnpoint [User] [x] [y] [z] Sets the spawnpoint of the user specified. spawnpoint player1 minecraft.command.spawnpoint Operators
spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams> <players> Spreads players randomly throughout a region of blocks, spreadDistance blocks apart. respectTeams puts teams close to each other. spreadplayers ~ ~ 20 50 false @a[score_points_min=6] minecraft.command.spreadplayers Operators
stop Gracefully stops the server (i.e. allows the server to save the worlds and lets all the plugins shut down properly). stop minecraft.command.stop Operators
summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] Summons an entity (mobs, projectiles, items, vehicles, etc.). Entity format summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:1,CustomName:"Powered Creeper",CustomNameVisible:1} minecraft.command.summon Operators
tell <player> <message> Allows the user to privately message another player. tell player1 Hey, how's it going? minecraft.command.msg Everybody
tellraw <player> <JSON message> Sends a raw message to the player using the JSON text format. JSON format tellraw player1 {"text":"Click me!","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"Go on, click me!"},"color":"green","clickEvent":"action":"run_command","value":"/kill"}} minecraft.command.tellraw Operators
testfor <player> [dataTag] Tests for players with the specified names and data tag. player is most commonly an @identifier. Used in command blocks, as the success count (comparator output) increases for each player found. testfor @p[score_points_min=6] {OnGround:1} minecraft.command.testfor Operators
testforblock <x> <y> <z> <name> [data] [dataTag] Tests if the block at the location is name:data with dataTag. Used primarily in command blocks as their success outputs to a comparator. testforblock ~ ~5 ~2 chest 0 {Items:[{Slot:13,tag:{display:{Name:"I am an item!"}}}]} minecraft.command.testforblock Operators
time <add/set> <amount> Add to or set the world time. Amount may be a number between 0 and 24000, inclusive, where 0 is dawn (i.e. clock is bisected; left side is day) and 12000 is noon. time add 6000
time set 0
minecraft.command.time Operators
toggledownfall Turn on or off rain/snow in the current world. toggledownfall minecraft.command.toggledownfall Operators
tp <player1> <player2>
tp <player1> <x> <y> <z>
Moves player1 to the same location as player2.
Moves player1 to the exact coordinates.
tp player1 player2
tp player1 0 70 12
minecraft.command.teleport Operators
weather <weather> Changes the weather in-game. weather clear minecraft.command.weather Operators
whitelist on/off
whitelist add/remove <player>
whitelist list
whitelist reload
Enable or disable whitelisting (i.e. only listed players may join).
Add or remove player from the whitelist.
Lists whitelist.
Reloads whitelist from file.
whitelist on
whitelist add player1
whitelist list
whitelist reload
minecraft.command.whitelist Operators
xp <player> <amount> Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience. If 'l' is appended to the amount, it gives levels instead of points. xp player1 100
xp player2 6l
minecraft.command.xp Operators

Additional Permissions

Permission Description Default
bukkit.broadcast.user Allows the user to receive user broadcasts Everybody
bukkit.broadcast Allows the user to receive all broadcast messages. Everybody
bukkit.broadcast.scradmin Allows the user to receive administrative broadcasts. Operators
minecraft.command.selector Allows the user to use @ selectors. Operators
minecraft.admin.command_feedback Allows receiving of feedback of (Vanilla) commands run by command blocks or other players Operators
minecraft.nbt.copy Allows copying of blocks with their NBT data via ctrl+middle click Operators
minecraft.nbt.place Allows placing of blocks which's item have NBT data associated with them Operators
minecraft.autocraft Allows the user to use the autocraft feature of the recipe book. Operators
minecraft.debugstick Allows users that can instant build (e.g. in creative mode) to use the debug stick without being op. Operators
minecraft.debugstick.always Allows users that to use the debug stick without being op. Operators


Up until 1.8 Bukkit provided its own implementation of all the Vanilla commands. This was removed with the 1.8 release of CraftBukkit alongside the Bukkit permissions of these commands. The old permission syntax of bukkit.command.<command name> is now only valid for commands added by Bukkit itself.

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