
Welcome to the BukkitWiki!

This Wiki is home to Bukkit's documentation and regulations surrounding the Bukkit Project and it's services. Want to help out? We would love to have you! Signup to get started!



Bukkit's New Issue Tracker!

Because of the new JIRA-powered Issue Tracker that Bukkit has adopted, BukkitWiki has a module inside the issue tracker. This new system is going to be adopted in-place of the out-of-date todo page. Thanks to this new system we are also going to be allowing users to take tickets from the Issue Tracker and fix them directly by introducing Wiki Developers. Wiki Developers will have direct access to tickets on the Issue Tracker and will be allowed to take on those tickets to resolve issues.

Submitting Issues is relatively straightfoward. You have Four Categories: Bug, Improvement, New Feature, and Task. Bug Issues would be for site failures and overall crashes with the website. Improvement Issues is the most common ticket type and consists of anything from Content suggestions to fixes in the wiki structure. New Feature Issues would be used to request new features on the wiki. Finally, Task Issues would be topics directed toward the Wiki Staff regarding anything from wiki setup to a intolerable user.

We're really excited to implement this new feature, and if you'd like to get a head-start you can head on over to the Wiki JIRA Project to get started and join us on IRC at #bukkitwiki!

Topic Discussion

resba - BukkitWiki Admin 21:09, 27 November 2011 (EST)
